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7 July • Your choice
7 July • Your choice

Jesus was a popular preacher, except in his own hometown, where he was rejected and amazed at the people's lack of faith such that "he co

6 July • Starting again, but this time better
6 July • Starting again, but this time better

When the Israelites came back from the Babylonian Exile, they rebuilt the temple and started over, but without a king and welcoming people from eve

25 Jun • Do unto others... or else
25 Jun • Do unto others... or else

Jesus tells us to "enter through the narrow gate" and "do unto others as we would have them do unto us." But these things are n

24 Jun • Moving on...
24 Jun • Moving on...

John the Baptist was not named after his father, Zechariah, because he was not to follow in his father's footsteps.

13 Jun • Anger against a brother or sister
13 Jun • Anger against a brother or sister

The law says "thou shalt not kill", but Jesus adds that even if we are angry with our brother or sister we are liable to judgement.

12 Jun • Least in the Kingdom of Heaven
12 Jun • Least in the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus tells us that he came to fulfil the law, and that we should still follow it, because those that don't will be least in the Kingdom of he

6 Jun • The center of our faith
6 Jun • The center of our faith

Seeking to understand the center of faith, a scribe asked Jesus, "what is the first commandment:" The answer was to love God with all of

8 May • Speak the truth and move on
8 May • Speak the truth and move on

Paul preaches to the leading philosophers of his day... to mixed reviews. We are all called to share our faith, not to convince others.

7 May • Growing the church
7 May • Growing the church

Paul carries on preaching despite opposition in Philippi, while the disciples are sad at Jesus' departure.

17 Apr • Finding your part
17 Apr • Finding your part

Though his role was to feed the widows and orphans, Philip left Jerusalem to avoid persecution and preached Christ to great effect in a town in Sam

7 Apr • Doubting Thomas
7 Apr • Doubting Thomas

Why did Thomas Doubt? Perhaps because his brothers did not speak conviction, with lives that were changed because of the Resurrection.

6 Apr • Speaking boldly
6 Apr • Speaking boldly

After the Resurrection, Sts. Peter and John were hauled before the Sanhedrin because they were speaking boldly about Jesus.

1 Apr • Encountering the Risen Lord
1 Apr • Encountering the Risen Lord

In Matthew's Gospel, Mary Magdalene encounters the Risen Lord at the empty tomb, while his brothers have to go to Galilee.

24 Mar • The joyful entry into Jerusalem
24 Mar • The joyful entry into Jerusalem

On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus' joyful entry into Jerusalem and his death there.

21 Mar • The Communion of Saints
21 Mar • The Communion of Saints

Jesus argues with the Jewish authorities that Abraham is still alive in God and looking upon this moment, and that he is one with God.

20 Mar • Integrity
20 Mar • Integrity

Hanaiah, Azariah, and Mishael chose to be cast into the fire rather than worship a Babylonian god.