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3 Oct • Finding the deeper truth
3 Oct • Finding the deeper truth

Job's friends "know" he must have sinned if God's hand is against him.

30 Sept • God shines most brightly in the least among us
30 Sept • God shines most brightly in the least among us

In Luke's telling, the greatest among us, the one who most closely represents God, is the least among us.

29 Sept • Cast it away, but not so far away
29 Sept • Cast it away, but not so far away

We have two sayings of Jesus today, one of inclusion and one of exclusion. The deeper truth lies somewhere in between.<br>

1 Sept • The religion God wants
1 Sept • The religion God wants

The readings today are all about what proper religious observance looks like: following God's law in caring for the vulnerable people in their

31 Aug • Don't bury your faith
31 Aug • Don't bury your faith

In Jesus' parable of the talents, he warns us that if we seek to protect our faith by hiding it away we will loose it.

17 Aug • Beyond sour grapes
17 Aug • Beyond sour grapes

In ancient Israel there was a saying, "Fathers have eaten green grapes, thus their children’s teeth are on edge." Children often reap the

6 Aug • Listen to Jesus
6 Aug • Listen to Jesus

On this Feast of the Transfiguration, we remember that great event where Jesus' clothes were transformed dazzlingly white and God spoke throug

5 Aug • Our hope lies in truth
5 Aug • Our hope lies in truth

The prophet Hananiah told the people what they wanted to hear. The Prophet Jeremiah told them the truth.

4 Aug • Trust God to lead us forward
4 Aug • Trust God to lead us forward

After God led the people out of Egypt, they complained because they were hungry. So God gave them manna and quail to eat in the desert.

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP and Fr. Michael Fones, OP break open the readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

7 July • Your choice
7 July • Your choice

Jesus was a popular preacher, except in his own hometown, where he was rejected and amazed at the people's lack of faith such that "he co

6 July • Starting again, but this time better
6 July • Starting again, but this time better

When the Israelites came back from the Babylonian Exile, they rebuilt the temple and started over, but without a king and welcoming people from eve

25 Jun • Do unto others... or else
25 Jun • Do unto others... or else

Jesus tells us to "enter through the narrow gate" and "do unto others as we would have them do unto us." But these things are n

24 Jun • Moving on...
24 Jun • Moving on...

John the Baptist was not named after his father, Zechariah, because he was not to follow in his father's footsteps.

13 Jun • Anger against a brother or sister
13 Jun • Anger against a brother or sister

The law says "thou shalt not kill", but Jesus adds that even if we are angry with our brother or sister we are liable to judgement.

12 Jun • Least in the Kingdom of Heaven
12 Jun • Least in the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus tells us that he came to fulfil the law, and that we should still follow it, because those that don't will be least in the Kingdom of he

6 Jun • The center of our faith
6 Jun • The center of our faith

Seeking to understand the center of faith, a scribe asked Jesus, "what is the first commandment:" The answer was to love God with all of