
6 Apr • Speaking boldly
After the Resurrection, Sts. Peter and John were hauled before the Sanhedrin because they were speaking boldly about Jesus.

1 Apr • Encountering the Risen Lord
In Matthew's Gospel, Mary Magdalene encounters the Risen Lord at the empty tomb, while his brothers have to go to Galilee.

24 Mar • The joyful entry into Jerusalem
On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus' joyful entry into Jerusalem and his death there.

21 Mar • The Communion of Saints
Jesus argues with the Jewish authorities that Abraham is still alive in God and looking upon this moment, and that he is one with God.

20 Mar • Integrity
Hanaiah, Azariah, and Mishael chose to be cast into the fire rather than worship a Babylonian god.

22 Feb • The good and the bad
On this Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, we remember that Jesus built his church on the rock that is Peter.

21 Feb • The sign of Jonah
Jesus told the crowds that they will get no sign from him except the "sign of Jonah." Jonah tried to run from God until he spent three da

10 Feb • Stick around for the good stuff
Jesus preached for three days to 4000 people in a deserted place in gentile territory.

9 Feb • Grace in the mess
Jesus healed a man who was deaf and mute by going off alone, sticking his fingers in the man's ears, spitting on his tongue, and groaning to h

31 Jan • God is against war
In today's reading, King David sinned by ordering a census to count his soldiers in preparation for war.

30 Jan • Renewed in faith
In a healing within a healing, a woman who has suffered for twelve years finds enough faith approach Jesus for a cure.

7 Jan • Searching for an Epiphany
On this Feast of the Epiphany, we recall that the magi found Jesus because they followed the signs and looked for him.

6 Jan • Truth is complicated
On this optional memorial for St. André Bessette there are at least 12 options for the two readings at mass. Which truth is for us today?

10 Dec • Waiting and hastening the coming of the Lord
John the Baptist is preparing for the coming of the Lord as he waits for it.

28 Nov • When will this happen?
Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple and his disciples want to know when it will happen and what will be the sign.

27 Nov • Text and context
Jesus comments that, with two small coins, the widow donated more than all the rich people because she gave what she needed to live on.

The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP breaks open the parable of the talents from the scripture for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.