
10 Nov • Money for friends
Jesus commends the unjust steward for being "prudent" with his master's money, getting himself out of his looming financial crisis.

25 Oct • Much will be required of those entrusted with much
Jesus gives a parable of warning about his second coming, saying "much will be required of the person entrusted with much." We who have b

24 Oct • Sin and Grace
St. Paul tells us that through Adam, all died, but through Christ, grace abounded all the more so that all might live.

11 Oct • The people we care about
Jonah is angry at God for not killing the Ninevites, and for killing a little gourd plant. Funny, the things we choose to care about.

10 Oct • What does Jesus really need?
When Jesus came to visit, Mary listened at his feet while Martha was "busy with many things." Are we "busy with many things" as

4 Sept • Grieving death
St. Paul tells us that we have hope, because the dead will surely rise when Jesus returns.

26 Aug • And a little bit of finesse
In the Book of Ruth, our heroine stood by her mother-in-law Naomi when the whole world left them bereft. For whom would we go the extra mile?

25 Aug • Going the Extra Mile
In the Book of Ruth, our heroine stood by her mother-in-law Naomi when the whole world left them bereft. Whom would we go the extra mile for?

1 Aug | How close is God?
A Word of Hope by Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP
Moses talks to God face to face. How close do we want God to be to us?

A Word of Hope for July 31, 2023
Jesus's parables liken the Kingdom of Heaven to a tiny mustard seed that grows into a large bush and yeast, which grows to fill the dough.

A Word of Hope for July 20, 2023
In a pivotal moment of salvation history, God reveals the Divine Name to Moses, the great "I AM". But Fr.

A Word of Hope for July 19, 2023
God called Moses in the Burning Bush and challenged Moses to trust that he would accomplish all that God wanted. In the same way, Fr.