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Advocate and accuser
Advocate and accuser

For 10 March 2016, Thursday of the 4th week of Lent , based on Exodus 32:7-14, John 5:31-47

Teaching the kingdom
Teaching the kingdom

For 2 March 2016, Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent, based on Matthew 5:17-19

What God Will and Won’t Do
What God Will and Won’t Do

For 14 January 2016, Thursday in the first week of the year, based on 1 Samuel 4:1-11, Mark 1:40-45


For 4 January 2016, Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, based on 1 John 3:22-4:6

Holding to “Peace on Earth, Good Will to All”
Holding to “Peace on Earth, Good Will to All”

For 26 December 2015, Feast of St. Stephen, based on Acts 6:8-10,7:54-59

Light and darkness, Bless the Lord
Light and darkness, Bless the Lord

For 26 November 2015, Thursday of week 34 of the year, based on Daniel 3:68-74, Luke 21:20-28

Thank you
Thank you

For 3 October 2015, Saturday in the 26th week of the year, based on Luke 10:17-24

Help me to understand
Help me to understand

For 29 September 2015, Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels, based on John 1:47-51

It’s later than you think…. maybe
It’s later than you think…. maybe

For 31 August 2015, Monday of the 22nd week of the year, based on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

No more weeping and wailing
No more weeping and wailing

For 3 August 2015, Monday of week 18 of the year, based on Numbers 11:4-15

Finding the Way
Finding the Way

For 16 July 2015, Thursday of week 15 of the year, based on Matthew 11:28-30

Stealing things from God
Stealing things from God

For 6 July 2015, Monday of week 14 of the year, based on Matthew 9:18-26

The choice to believe
The choice to believe

For 2 May 2015, Memorial of Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor, based on John 14:7-14

Is this as good as it gets?
Is this as good as it gets?

For 14 March 2015, Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent, based on Hosea 6:1-6, Luke 18:9-14

Jesus to the rescue?
Jesus to the rescue?

For 7 January 2015, Wednesday after Epiphany Sunday or Saint Raymond of Penyafort, based on Mark 6:45-52

Paternity Test
Paternity Test

For 3 January 2015, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, based on 1 John 2:29-3:6

Whom do we hear?
Whom do we hear?

For 26 October 2014, 30th Sunday of the year, based on Exodus 22:20-26

The sign of Jonah
The sign of Jonah

For 13 October 2014, Monday in the 28th week of the year, based on Luke 11:29-32

The revelation of the Transfiguration
The revelation of the Transfiguration

For 6 August 2014, The Feast of the Trasfiguration, based on Matthew 17:1-9

The good and the bad
The good and the bad

For 20 July 2014, 16th Sunday of the year, based on Matthew 13:24-30

Letting go for something better
Letting go for something better

For 2 July 2014, Wednesday of 13th week, based on Matthew 8:28-34

Peace the world cannot give
Peace the world cannot give

For 20 May 2014, Tuesday of 5th week of Easter, based on John 14:27-31

A tall glass of faith
A tall glass of faith

For 21 April 2014, Monday within the Octave of Easter, based on Matthew 28:8-15

Loving God verses loving what God does for us
Loving God verses loving what God does for us

For 6 April 2014, Sixth Sunday of Lent, based on John 11:1-45