
The place where we find God
For 24 November 2017, Friday of the 33rd week of the year, based on 1 Maccabees 4:36-37,52-59

The not-so-self-made man
For 18 August 2017, Friday in the 19th week of the year, based on Joshua 24:1-13

Those who have ears and those who don’t
For 27 July 2017, Thursday of week 16 of the year, based on Matthew 13:10-17

My oh-so-earthen vessel
For 16 June 2017, Friday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

When no one was looking
For 3 May 2017, Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

In good times and bad
For 16 January 2017, Monday of the Second Week of the Year, based on Mark 2:18-22

The mercy we offer is not our own
For 4 December 2016, Second Sunday of Advent, based on Matthew 3:1–12

Do we know what makes for peace?
For 17 November 2016, Thursday of week 33 in Ordinary Time, based on Luke 19:41-44

Finding a wee bit of courage…
For 2 August 2016, Memorial of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, based on Matthew 14:22-36

How much is the pearl worth?
For 27 July 2016, Wednesday of week 17 in Ordinary Time, based on Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21, Matthew 13:44-46

That everyone might have enough
For 30 May 2016, Monday of the 9th week of the year, based on Mark 12:1-12

Wisdom, always willing to yield
For 16 May 2016, Monday in the 7th week of the year, based on James 3:13-18, Mark 9:14-29

Doing things differently
For 19 April 2016, Tuesday of the 4th week of Easter, based on Acts 11:19-26

Doing our part (and not someone else’s)
For 6 April 2016, Wednesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide, based on Acts 5:17-26

Repentance for the forgiveness of sins
For 31 March 2016, Thursday of Easter Week, based on Luke 24:35–48