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The place where we find God
The place where we find God

For 24 November 2017, Friday of the 33rd week of the year, based on 1 Maccabees 4:36-37,52-59

The not-so-self-made man
The not-so-self-made man

For 18 August 2017, Friday in the 19th week of the year, based on Joshua 24:1-13

Listening for God
Listening for God

For 13 August 2017, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, based on 1 Kings 19:9,11-13

Those who have ears and those who don’t
Those who have ears and those who don’t

For 27 July 2017, Thursday of week 16 of the year, based on Matthew 13:10-17

Asking for a sign
Asking for a sign

For 24 July 2017, Monday of week 16 in Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 12:38-42

Needing Jesus
Needing Jesus

For 7 July 2017, Friday of week 13 in Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 9:9-13

My oh-so-earthen vessel
My oh-so-earthen vessel

For 16 June 2017, Friday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

When no one was looking
When no one was looking

For 3 May 2017, Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Recognizing Jesus on the road
Recognizing Jesus on the road

For 30 April 2017, Third Sunday of Easter, based on Luke 24:13-35

Looking for a meaning
Looking for a meaning

For 4 April 2017, Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent , based on Numbers 21:4-9

In good times and bad
In good times and bad

For 16 January 2017, Monday of the Second Week of the Year, based on Mark 2:18-22

Born in a barn, surrounded by love
Born in a barn, surrounded by love

For 24 December 2016, Christmas Eve, based on Luke 2:1–14

The mercy we offer is not our own
The mercy we offer is not our own

For 4 December 2016, Second Sunday of Advent, based on Matthew 3:1–12

Do we know what makes for peace?
Do we know what makes for peace?

For 17 November 2016, Thursday of week 33 in Ordinary Time, based on Luke 19:41-44

Casting out demons
Casting out demons

For 7 October 2016, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, based on Luke 11:15-26

Finding a wee bit of courage…
Finding a wee bit of courage…

For 2 August 2016, Memorial of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, based on Matthew 14:22-36

How much is the pearl worth?
How much is the pearl worth?

For 27 July 2016, Wednesday of week 17 in Ordinary Time, based on Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21, Matthew 13:44-46

Whom should we ordain?
Whom should we ordain?

For 19 June 2016, Twelfth Sunday of the Year, based on Galatians 3:26–29

That everyone might have enough
That everyone might have enough

For 30 May 2016, Monday of the 9th week of the year, based on Mark 12:1-12

Wisdom, always willing to yield
Wisdom, always willing to yield

For 16 May 2016, Monday in the 7th week of the year, based on James 3:13-18, Mark 9:14-29

Doing things differently
Doing things differently

For 19 April 2016, Tuesday of the 4th week of Easter, based on Acts 11:19-26

The next step
The next step

For 11 April 2016, Monday of the 3rd week of Eastertide, based on John 6:22-29

Doing our part (and not someone else’s)
Doing our part (and not someone else’s)

For 6 April 2016, Wednesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide, based on Acts 5:17-26

Repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Repentance for the forgiveness of sins

For 31 March 2016, Thursday of Easter Week, based on Luke 24:35–48