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My Preaching


I am Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, a traveling preacher, theologian, and web-developer. Here you will find the bulk of my internet postings, stretching back to 1999. The Blog postings are housed here, the Videos are mostly from the website of the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great USA (my province), and the Podcasts are mostly my contributions to theWord, a daily podcast from Dominicans around the world.

You will also find on this site a list of Questions & Answers about Liturgy in the Roman Catholic tradition, created by a great liturgist and friend, Fr. John Thomas Lane,SSS.

10 Nov • Money for friends
10 Nov • Money for friends

Jesus commends the unjust steward for being "prudent" with his master's money, getting himself out of his looming financial crisis.

9 Nov • Every day grace
9 Nov • Every day grace

On this Feast of the Dedication of St.

Why Work?
Why Work?

For 5 November 2023, Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 23:1–12

The Gifts that Differ
The Gifts that Differ

For 4 November 2023, Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop , based on Romans 12:3-13


For 28 October 2023, Feast of the Apostles, Simon and Jude, based on Ephesians 2:19-22

25 Oct • Much will be required of those entrusted with much
25 Oct • Much will be required of those entrusted with much

Jesus gives a parable of warning about his second coming, saying "much will be required of the person entrusted with much." We who have b

24 Oct • Sin and Grace
24 Oct • Sin and Grace

St. Paul tells us that through Adam, all died, but through Christ, grace abounded all the more so that all might live.

What Belongs to God?
What Belongs to God?

For 22 October 2023, Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 22:15–21

Faith and Doubt
Faith and Doubt

For 19 October 2023, Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests, and their Companions, Martyrs, based on Matthew 28:16-20

Slave or Free, You Decide
Slave or Free, You Decide

For 16 October 2023, Monday of week 28 in Ordinary Time, based on Romans 1:1-7, Luke 11:29-32

11 Oct • The people we care about
11 Oct • The people we care about

Jonah is angry at God for not killing the Ninevites, and for killing a little gourd plant. Funny, the things we choose to care about.

10 Oct • What does Jesus really need?
10 Oct • What does Jesus really need?

When Jesus came to visit, Mary listened at his feet while Martha was "busy with many things." Are we "busy with many things" as