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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP

Combatting Racism
Combatting Racism

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP preaches about racism from the readings for the Ascension, Cycle A (Matthew 28:16-20).

Recognizing Jesus on the Road to Emmaus
Recognizing Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

Preaching on Human Trafficking based on the readings from the Third Sunday of East, Cycle A (Acts 2:14,22-33; 1Peter 1:17-21; Luke 24:13-35) by Fr.

Let All the Earth Cry Out with Joy
Let All the Earth Cry Out with Joy

A Homily on the care of creation for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A, based on Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16+20 by Fr. Brendan Curran, OP.

Have Mercy on the Immigrant
Have Mercy on the Immigrant

What does it mean to be resurrected people? It means to have mercy, divine mercy for all God's creation, including the immigrant.