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Withholding Communion?



I have just heard of a priest who is withholding the Eucharist from elderly Alzheimers patients, on the grounds that they "cannot understand or appreciate". Also, he refused Communion to a woman who had been at the point of Baptism in an RCIA program [Catechumenate], when she was in a car accident and has suffered some brain damage...though she gets around.

This woman attends Mass regularly and fervently, and has been going to Communion. He now refuses it. I understand the concept of "Full Communion with the Church," but he won't complete her Baptism or give her Communion because she is "incapable" of understanding it. It is my belief that many fully cognizant RC's do not really understand the mystery of Transubstantiation, etc., but receive as part of the Liturgy, and to "have Jesus" within them. What is the Church's position on bringing Communion to Catholics who have "lost their mental faculties"?

-- With-it in Wetherington?



The church warmly welcomes those with mental disabilities to communion. I think your comments answer the question, especially from full functioning Catholics who do not have a complete understanding of what they are receiving. You might want to let your local diocese know [chancelor's office] that this priest is not following the directives of the church! [especially for those wishing to become Catholic, in communion with the church.]