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Sprinkling people?



What is the deal with splashing water over the congregation during special services such as Easter? I asked my Mom about it and the best she could say is that "It's a blessing." But really, what is the significance? What does it symbolize?
-- Wet in Westpark



The Rite of Sprinkling (General Instruction on the Roman Missal 2002, paragraph 51) is meant to remind us of our baptismal commitments to follow the Lord. It is presently in the Order of Mass the 1st option after the Greeting. It is done on Sundays and special occasions to remind us of our baptism. Most liturgists recommend that it is done every Sunday during the Easter Season, the season of recommitment and renewal of our baptismal promises. We've died to Christ and our selfish ways only to live for Christ in the life saving waters of salvation. So the Sprinkling Rite reminds us of being saved and strengthens us to live out our call to follow Christ as his disciples.