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Mother of God or Circumcision?



What is the [solemnity] of Holy Mary Mother of God "January 1st" for? What is the meaning of it and did it used to be the Feast of the Circumcision?

--Curious in Clearwater



January 1st has had many celebrations on it throughout the centuries. Since it is the octave of Christmas, the readings have focused on Jesus' presentation in the temple and his ritual circumcision. However, in 1969 when the liturgical calendar was updated, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God was codified. This is a day to honor the "theotokos" or God-bearer. The devotion and theology of Mary has been extremely important to the church from the beginning of the incarnation. Mary, as the Mother of God, had a special role in salvation history and bringing forth Jesus. We ponder this mystery, as did Mary ponder in her heart the sacred events in her life. (See the Gospel of this Day's solemnity.)

January 1 also has other devotional Masses attached to it as the beginning of the civic calendar. It also has the Votive Mass for Peace on this day.