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Bringing the wicked to ruin

The just man appraises the house of the wicked: there is one who brings down the wicked to ruin.

-Proverbs 21:12

Funny proverb, this. So judgemental. In "appraising" the house of the wicked, I'll bet the "just man" has an opinion about just how long the wicked should retain their ill-gotten wealth. Perhaps there is also a bit of secret jealousy hinted at as well. I get that. I am not immune from having gossiped. 

But in the end, there is only one who brings down the wicked to ruin. "The One" is always God. Only God is One, and it is God's job to bring down the wicked. It is not my job, nor is it the job of just people.

As God's children, God's followers, we can be jealous and judgemental but we cannot take it into our own hands to bring down the wicked. That job is God's alone.

(photo from the movie "Trading Places")
